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I have an that I want to jailbreak.

It is currently running iOS . Is there a jailbreak available?

Check to see if your iDevice can be jailbroken!

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unc0ver jailbreak toturial for iOS 13 - 13.5 Windows / Mac and Linux

unc0ver for Windows tutorial

Jailbreak iOS 13 using AltStore for Windows - tutorial

Step 01.
Prepare your iDevice for the jailbreak process - backup your data.

Before we begin, make sure to back up your data. You can do that using iCloud Backup system directly on your iDevice, or by using iTunes. If something goes wrong (and sometimes it does) you'll be able to restore all your data from iCloud or iTunes. Follow this tutorial only if your current iOS version is unc0ver compatible!

Step 02.
Download required software for the jailbreak process.

First off, download Apple's iTunes software directly from apple.com. Do not install iTunes using Windows Store it will not work! iTunes for Windows 32 bit or iTunes for Windows 64 bit version. After installing iTunes, you will need to install AltStore - get it from here: AltStore. Unpack AltStore to your favourite location and install it.

Step 03.
Install unc0ver app file on your iDevice.

After AltStore installation process is done, press the Windows key, type "AltServer" and open the application. Click the arrow icon near the network icon in the taskbar. This will bring up an menu with multiple icons. Look for a diamond shaped logo that says AltServer when mousing over it. Click on it. From the option brought up, hover over Install AltStore, and select your iOS device.

Be sure your Windows PC and your iDevice are using the same network!

Enter your Apple ID and password when prompted. On your iOS device, open Settings → General → Device Management and tap on your Apple ID. Trust AltStore.

Using Safari, open www.unc0ver.dev and click the "Open in AltStore" button. If promoted, sign into the same Apple ID you used before. AltStore will now install the unc0ver app. Wait until it finishes. If the "Open in AltStore" button is not available to you, you can press the download button. After the download finishes, click the downloaded file in Safari and press the squar shaped SHARE button in the right top corner. From the ShareSheet's apps row, select "More", scroll down and select "Copy to AltStore".

Step 04.
Run the unc0ver jailbreak app on your iDevice .

Find the newly installed unc0ver app on your iDevice and launch it. We've found older version more reliable if you wait about 15 seconds after you open the unc0ver app. In the unc0ver app, hit the "Jailbreak" button so the jailbreak process begins. If everything goes well, you will see the following screens:

Once the jailbreak process is complete your iDevice will restart. After the restart you will find Cydia on your SpringBoard. The jailbreak process with unc0ver for Windows is complete. Enjoy Cydia on your newly jailbroken iDevice!

Jailbreak iOS 13 using CydiaImpactor for Windows - tutorial

Note: This method requires an Apple developer account - do not proceed if your AppleID is not enrolled in the Apple Developer Program!

Step 01.
Prepare your iDevice for the jailbreak process - backup your data.

Before we begin, make sure to back up your data. You can do that using iCloud Backup system directly on your iDevice, or by using iTunes. If something goes wrong (and sometimes it does) you'll be able to restore all your data from iCloud or iTunes. Follow this tutorial only if your current iOS version is unc0ver compatible!

Step 02.
Download required software for the jailbreak process.

First off, download Apple's iTunes software directly from apple.com. Do not install iTunes using Windows Store it will not work! iTunes for Windows 32 bit or iTunes for Windows 64 bit version. After installing iTunes, you will need to download and install Cydia Impactor Windows version - get free it from here: CydiaImpactor.com. Unpack CydiaImpactor to your favourite location and run it.

Download the latest unc0ver jailbreak IPA file from here. and save it to your Desktop.

Step 03.
Install unc0ver app file on your iDevice.

Connect your iDevice to your PC. On your PC, drag the unc0ver.ipa file into the CydiaImpactor window. When asked, enter your AppleID and password (remember, your AppleID must be a developer ID).
Note: If you are using two factor authentication, generate an app specific password on iCloud.com, and use that here.

On your iOS device, open Settings → General → Device Management and tap on your Apple ID. Press "Trust unc0ver".

Step 04.
Run the unc0ver jailbreak app on your iDevice .

Find the newly installed unc0ver app on your iDevice and launch it. We've found older version more reliable if you wait about 15 seconds after you open the unc0ver app. In the unc0ver app, hit the "Jailbreak" button so the jailbreak process begins.

Once the jailbreak process is complete your iDevice will restart. After the restart you will find Cydia on your SpringBoard. The jailbreak process with unc0ver for Windows is complete. Enjoy Cydia on your newly jailbroken iDevice!

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